My name is Mali; I’m an aunty, mom, and founder of NextGen Story: Custom Publishing. I spent much of my 30s working on various ways to be an aunty: I spent time with my biological niece and nephews, lived as roommate to a family with two children, and let friends know I’d be happy to help with childcare. Eventually, I became a parent and compiled the anthology Choosing Single Parenthood: Stories from Solo Parents By Choice.
While my aunty-energy is limited now, I have a genuine appreciation for the lovely people who are aunties to my child now. I hope that the "Aunty Anthology" becomes part of a broader cultural movement to value the relationships between aunties/uncles and their lucky niblings.
If you come across a good article, book, or other resource related to being an aunty - email us Here's a few links for now:
• 'Aunt without kids': the women redefining family roles - a BBC article reflecting on the growing demographic trend
• "The Mom that you tell secrets to" - a CBC radio article on the role of aunties in Indigenous culture
• Melanie Notkin - originator of Professional Aunty No Kids (PANK) research and the book Otherhood: Modern Women Find a New Type of Happiness. She is a leader in the emerging Aunty movement​
"Only an aunt
can give hugs like a mother,
keep secrets like a sister, and
share love like a friend."
- Author Unknown